A first-in-class molecule
to save more patients
from a heart attack

A first-in-class molecule
to save more patients
from a heart attack

Myocardial infarction, a major societal challenge

In Europe,
every 45 seconds
a myocardial infarction


7.4 M

deaths/year in the world


with chronic pathologies

Our drug candidate

To save the patient during an infarction, the recommendations are to re-open (reperfuse) the occluded artery as quickly as possible (angioplasty or thrombolysis). However, despite optimal patient management, mortality and morbidity rates (particularly for heart failure) are still too high.

To face this major public health problem, ApoRepair has developed a therapeutic molecule – the Tat-DAXXp peptide – for all heart attack patients, to be administered as an adjunct to artery reopening.

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